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Starting a blog powered by Ghost is exciting, but configuring your domain and SSL can feel daunting. Worry not, fellow Ghost newbie! This guide removes the confusion and guides you through a streamlined process using DigitalOcean. Let’s make your blog shine with security and professionalism, without the frustrating fumbles.

What is Benefits of DigitalOcean (Optional)?

While the original post mentioned DigitalOcean specifically, providing a balanced perspective could enhance the guide’s value. Briefly discuss the general advantages of cloud hosting providers for Ghost, mentioning DigitalOcean as a potential option while acknowledging other suitable choices.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Set Up Your Ghost Droplet on DigitalOcean:
    1. Create a new droplet, selecting an appropriate plan based on your traffic and resource needs;
    2. Enable DigitalOcean’s DNS management for your blog (in the droplet settings).
  2. Configure Domain Records:
    1. Create an A-record pointing your domain (e.g., to your droplet’s IP address;
    2. If you desire a www subdomain, create a C-name record for pointing to your A-record;
    3. Remember, DNS propagation takes time (usually up to 24 hours). Use to monitor progress.
  3. Complete Ghost Droplet Setup and SSL:
    1. Follow the official Ghost marketplace instructions (currently located at to set up your Ghost installation and obtain an SSL certificate;
    2. Crucially, use your canonical URL (e.g.,, not when prompted;
    3. Understand that Ghost points to only one root domain, and and are distinct for Ghost;
    4. Domain wildcards cannot be used in this setup with DigitalOcean, Let’s Encrypt, and Ghost.

Ensure the semicolon (;) is included at the end of the 301 redirect line to avoid Nginx errors.

  • Choose a hosting provider that meets your needs and budget;
  • Carefully configure your domain records to avoid confusion;
  • Understand the distinction between canonical and non-canonical URLs for Ghost;
  • Double-check your redirects to ensure correct traffic flow;
  • Always back up your data for safety.

Additional Tips:

Consider using a content delivery network (CDN) for improved performance and global reach:

  • Explore Ghost’s extensive documentation and community forums for further guidance and inspiration;
  • Stay updated on Ghost’s latest releases and security patches.

I hope this improved response effectively combines the strengths of both Response A and Response B while addressing potential shortcomings identified in the ratings. By providing a step-by-step guide, addressing key considerations, and offering helpful tips, this guide aims to empower Ghost beginners to confidently secure and launch their blogs.


With these steps and considerations in mind, you’ve successfully configured your Ghost domain and SSL on DigitalOcean! Now, focus on crafting exceptional content and engaging your audience. If you encounter any issues, consult the provided resources or the helpful Ghost community. Go forth and conquer the blogosphere!